Friday, 21 May 2010

It's been a while....

Saturday 22.05.10

I've been so slack when it comes to updating my blog - that or i've been pretty busy. I'm amazed how little time i have to sit down and check facebook, do some studying, etc etc. Of course i always knew kids take alot of time, but OMG i'm exhausted lol. I've just spent the nite clearing boxes in my spare room.... this old shop/house has had mice for as long as i've been here and the owner won't do a single thing about it, so i'm doing everything humanly possible to get rid of them on my own, and if that fails, then i'll pull some strings and hopefully make him pull his finger out and get something done. Surely he can't think its healthy for my kids to have mice crawling around their house. Grrr.

Onto a brighter note - i'm nearly finished my 42 day (6wk) fast. Our whole church is partaking in a 40 day (rounded to 42 days - 6wks) fast and it's amazing seeing ppl change and watching God move in a big way. I've fasted my mobile phone - and for those that know me well, it's practically glued to my hand. It's been rough, esp the first couple weeks but now i'm nearly finished. 8 days to go!! I'm happy to say that i haven't been tempted to read a text message or send one at all, so i really am glad i gave it a go. Just goes to show me that i don't in fact need to rely so much on my mobile... YAY!!

Well since it's after 1am, i really should get to bed. I'm feeling all 'achy' and need to be up early in the morning. Sleep tight readers xx