Sunday, 10 October 2010

And again

For all those that loved my "Knobs" post.... here is part 2. (You know u wanted it!!)

Again, my ex's fiancee contacted me continuing with the whole "we've broken up" storyline - so i played along with it. I'm sure she thinks i'm an absolute idiot - she still have her MSN pic as the one of them together, as is her facebook pic. When i asked about this, she told me she was too busy to change them and of course, she'd deleted her facebook and ironically it was still there, and someone was hacking in using it, pretending to be her.... even going as far as to add new pics of her, James and the kids. C'MON!! I wasn't born yesterday - or last week for that matter.

As amusing as these conversations are becoming, we always come back to the one topic - James and his 'fathering' when it comes to Xavier. Time and time again, she defends him. I have not changed my opinion of him in this regard and will not. Simple. He's a deadbeat dad, if i ever did see one. Ironically, he is so much of one that he makes my daughter's father seem like Father of the Year! (Kailee's father stopped seeing her at 6mo... nearly 5yrs ago). I cannot understand how this woman can keep saying to me that 'James loves Xavier in his own way i'm sure' ... um, no he doesn't. If he loved his son, he would have met him. This weekend approaching is Xavier's 1st birthday, and whilst James lives in the same town (or the next town 30mins away), he has never once laid eyes on his son. Now don't get me wrong, i have tried more than a couple times to get him to see his son. After countless text messages, emails of photos etc, James emailed me and stated he wanted nothing to do with his son and hoped one day i would find a man who would be a dad to Xavier. Call me mistaken, but that's not love!!


'Til the day i die, i will continue to be both mum and dad to both my children. I will give everything within my being to ensure that my kids have everything they desire in life, so they don't need to miss out on anything important just because their father couldn't be bothered to be in their lives. I aspire to be the best mum i can possibly be - and to more than make up for the fact that both my kids have deadbeat dads. There's just no denying it.

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