Have you ever had one of them weeks where nothing goes right, no matter how hard you try? That would be me this week. No matter what I do or how hard I try, everything sucks. Everyone that knows me, knows that I’m not a negative, down in the dumps kind of person… rarely am I ever like this, but there’s been so much crap that’s been piled on me this past week, I’ve crumbled under the pressure. I try to be positive, but that’s not working. Everything keeps going wrong.
Firstly, the drama with my mother and sister. I guess it’d been building for a while and my best friend and her husband have known exactly how much I’d been holding back and been walked over… they were amazed I hadn’t broken before now. Then there’s been money dramas, I’ve got bills coming out of everywhere and considering moving house soon, I’m somehow going to have to find more money to do that. I started burning dinner tonight as I walked away for only a minute – thankfully the smoke alarm didn’t start blaring crazily. I made cupcakes tonight for Kailee’s school lunches and they didn’t even cook completely, I made the icing and put too much milk in it and had to fix that too. Kailee was STILL awake an hour past bedtime, telling me she couldn’t go to sleep – Um, maybe if you didn’t keep coming out of your bed Miss Muffet you would be sleeping lol. Xavier had gotten onto the computer while I was making dinner and pressed goodness knows what and my screen wouldn’t work. Well it was working, but once Windows had loaded, all I could see what a plain black screen unless i was in Safe Mode. After stressing for a while and not wanting to even be near the computer, I did a system restore from safe mode and thankfully my computer is back to normal *phew*. And as I’m typing this, Xavier has woken up and is crying from his bed. For the past few days he’s been sleeping right through the night without waking and crying. *sigh* Poor Matt is sick too at the moment and I feel like there’s nothing I can do to help. I feel useless. He hasn’t been his happy self and I try not to take it personally if he seems annoyed at me for something as trivial as talking while he’s watching TV. I haven’t seen much of him this weekend but hopefully he’s feeling better soon and we’ll get some quality time to spend together. (I <3 u hunni!!)
My amazing best friend, Serena has been worrying about how I’ve been coping, I guess because she can’t be close by. It’s times like these I feel that void that being away from her leaves…. but we’re only a phone call apart. I can tell her anything, everything. I know she worries about some things I unload on her when we talk, and I try to tell her I’m ok, but she doesn’t buy it. She knows when something just isn’t right. She’s been there for the good times in my life and she’s been there to see me crash and burn. Her dedication never fails. She’s the one person I can rely on and know that she’s always going to be there when I need her. I don’t want her to worry, but I know she does it because she cares. So after talking on the phone tonight and having her literally nearly wet herself laughing at how much of an epic fail my cooking was, I’m feeling a little bit better. (Let me just say, I can cook, usually lol For some reason though, tonight no matter what I tried, it sucked.)
So here’s hoping when I finally crawl into bed tonight all the disappointments from this past week will be gone and I’ll wake up with a more positive outlook on a new week One can only hope anyway.
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