Monday, 13 June 2011


I don't have a perfect relationship. Far from it actually. We fight (at least every weekend) and no matter How many times i try to talk to him He's not listening. This relationship is so one sided. Its always me making him food, getting him drinks, washing his clothes etc not once does He do those things for me at home. The other nite we went out and for the whole hour and a half we were waiting for our dinner we walked around doing What He wanted. No matter How many times i said i felt sick and needed to sit outside, He didn't want to. So we kept walking. I didn't want to nag (apparently i already nag too much) so i shut up and soldiered on.

If There's anything i need or want He's always quick to say no. Sometimes i don't know why i bother wanting anything. It's like a starving child in a 3rd world country. Why bother wanting food when ur not getting it anyway.

I just want a relationship where I'm appreciated. I want to be told How much i mean to him, that He thinks I'm beautiful, etc. It's not too much to ask for surely. Obviously though it is for me. I only seem to attract the type of guy who wants to boss me around, treat me like rubbish and still expect me to be here tomorrow. I'm stubborn and keep trying and trying because i love him but one day Its just not going to be enough anymore.

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