Sunday 12 February 2012
I miss ... I love
* cuddles in bed
* our cat kleo, she was always affectionate at night
* rainy, movie days
* being content with the simple things in life
* not having to worry about money
* foot massages
* affection
* the days when I didn't have to cook AND do the dishes
* days when my kids didn't fight
* the thrill of a new relationship. The butterflies and giggles.
* random cute messages throughout the day
* late night phone calls with friends
* trashy tv and birth shows on pay tv
* my kids baby giggles and gummy smiles
Things I love in life:
* the smile on my sons face when he wakes up and I open the door as he calls out "breakfast"
* kailee playing with my hair while I lay down
* 4wding. Playing in the mud, crawling over this wonderful land around us
* cooking - tho I hate cleaning the mess
* spending time with the people I love
* having a friend to talk to about anything
* reading. There's nothing like getting lost in a book
* my dogs. They're beautiful and affectionate
* laying under the fan on a warm summer night
* a full night sleep (pretty much near-extinct in my life)
* feeling pampered after a shave and washing my hair. Or a facial n eyebrow wax
*dying my hair blackcurrent
* natural long nails
* jewellery - especially gorgeous rings
* tattoos - I need to design my 8th tattoo
* Matt's family. They are amazing, incredible people who will always be in my heart
* watching my kids play together nicely
* Christmas time - carols, lights, Christmas trees and family time
While some parts of life are lacking, other parts are full to overflowing. Focus on the latter and disappointment never comes :-)
Saturday 11 February 2012
Curvy yes, overweight no
What makes an overweight person attractive? Do people with overweight partners find certain chunky bits a turn off? I'm just thinking cuz I seriously have the worst, jelly fat legs. That cannot be sexy, ever! Or the chunky cellulite butt. Tuckshop lady arms that jiggle when waving. Double (or more) chins. The list goes on.
It's crazy cuz I actually weigh less now than when I was withy ex and yet feel worse about my body. I'm not sure why. I mean obviously being severely overweight is a health risk in itself but why don't I feel confident and love my body like I used to? This body has created 2 beautiful children and nourished them. Why can't I love the effect that has had on my body? If only exercising and dieting and weightloss were easy I wouldn't be asking these preposterous questions of my self. I'd just lose weight and quit bitching. If only it were that simple.
My kids love me regardless of my size. Though my 'nearly 7yo' tells me to call Jenny Craig everytime the ad comes on tv. I know she just wants a healthy mama. It won't happen overnight and it's going to be a huge long process.
So I'm left wondering can you possibly love someone for their personality but not necessarily be attracted to their body and therefore not be affectionate. Surely if you were seriously attracted to someone you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off the other person. Or so I think.
Wednesday 8 February 2012
Battle of the mind
Today I snapped at my kids for the stupidest of things - Kailee cried over a ripped homework book and Xavier dropped my laptop. The book is fine, after some minor repairs and the laptop still works, thankfully. Tomorrow is a new day and with it I hope it brings me more patience.
Xavier has been sick at home for the past week and still manages to get into anything and everything. His new fascination is the knife drawer and it scares me seeing him with something so sharp, trying to open a packet of some kind. This boy will certainly send me loopy for the rest of my life. I really need to get some locks put on quick smart. Not a moments peace while he's awake that's for sure.
Most days I know I could try harder, be more than what I am but it just seems so hard and so out of my reach. I'm determined to fight though, I won't give up. Some days I may get a tad lazy and demand a RDO but I'll keep trying. That's about all I can do. I have too much to live for to just surrender and concede defeat.
Look out world, some crazy is on the loose. Positive thinking needs to take over, overcome the negativity and win the battle of my mind. I seriously drive myself insane with the constant back and forwards, from elated to depressed. I just need to make more effort to force some positivity into my head.
So tonight, I think of all the amazing people around me and the most fantastic family I have. It doesn't get much better than this. (well it could but I won't push it!)
Monday 23 January 2012
Better choices for 2012
Now the only dilemma is to eat less. Easier said than done though. There's way too much to snack on. I just need to stay focused n dedicated. Disciplined. I can do this and I will. Idealistically my main goal is to lose 21kg and get down to 75kg. (yes, do the math and that makes me 96kg at the moment. Well there abouts).
I seriously should do some before and after shots just to track my progress. I'm lazy though. Maybe tomorrow?
Monday 28 November 2011
Poor Aileen :-(
I cannot imagine the pain and sadness that must be consuming her at the moment, especially having been through this tragedy before. After being able to look at her little boy for 2 days and spend time with him, touching him. I can't beging to fathom having to say goodbye and letting go as a mother. My heart is broken for her and her partner, Anson. This is every parents worst nightmare - especially having to do it not just once, but twice.
I don't know what to do, or say... i know that nothing is going to make it better, or take the pain away for them. I'll try calling her tomorrow just so she knows that she has the support and love around her that she needs, but if she doesnt feel up to talking thats completely understandable. I'm not sure i'd be ready to talk to anyone if i was in her shoes.
I can't believe this has happened again to her. It blows my mind that some ppl recklessly keep having children, knowing the children will have medical issues, or will be born dangerously early.... and fortunately for them, they have wonderful and healthy babies that continue to grow and thrive. The only thing my sister ever wanted was for her son to be okay and for her to not have to go through losing another child.... she'd only told me days ago how scared she was of this happening again. Part of me gets so mad that our family has been through enough this year and to see people in other areas of my life thrive on their own drama.
Over the past 2 years, Aileen has already had to bury her son Isaac; we've lost our little brother Douglas, killed in August this year; our brother Jody is still in jail and now baby Henry has passed away. It's not fair for so much heartache to be dealt to one person. I just want to be there for her, hug her and tell her it's going to be okay. Though it will probably be a long time before any of it feels okay for her.
2011 just plain sucks!!! Other than meeting Matt in January, nothing good has really come from this year and i can't wait for it to be over. Surely it can't get any worse than this?!
26.11.11 - 28.11.11