Sunday, 12 February 2012

I miss ... I love

Things I miss in life:
* cuddles in bed
* our cat kleo, she was always affectionate at night
* rainy, movie days
* being content with the simple things in life
* not having to worry about money
* foot massages
* affection
* the days when I didn't have to cook AND do the dishes
* days when my kids didn't fight
* the thrill of a new relationship. The butterflies and giggles.
* random cute messages throughout the day
* late night phone calls with friends
* trashy tv and birth shows on pay tv
* my kids baby giggles and gummy smiles

Things I love in life:
* the smile on my sons face when he wakes up and I open the door as he calls out "breakfast"
* kailee playing with my hair while I lay down
* 4wding. Playing in the mud, crawling over this wonderful land around us
* cooking - tho I hate cleaning the mess
* spending time with the people I love
* having a friend to talk to about anything
* reading. There's nothing like getting lost in a book
* my dogs. They're beautiful and affectionate
* laying under the fan on a warm summer night
* a full night sleep (pretty much near-extinct in my life)
* feeling pampered after a shave and washing my hair. Or a facial n eyebrow wax
*dying my hair blackcurrent
* natural long nails
* jewellery - especially gorgeous rings
* tattoos - I need to design my 8th tattoo
* Matt's family. They are amazing, incredible people who will always be in my heart
* watching my kids play together nicely
* Christmas time - carols, lights, Christmas trees and family time

While some parts of life are lacking, other parts are full to overflowing. Focus on the latter and disappointment never comes :-)

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