Saturday, 11 February 2012

Curvy yes, overweight no

Sometimes (well most of the time) I wonder how the heck people are attracted to overweight partners. Odd thought I know since I'm a bit of a chubby chaser. Now don't get me wrong curvy girls are hot and I have some of the most stunning overweight friends do this has nothing to do with them. I'm just thinking in general (and maybe a little about me).

What makes an overweight person attractive? Do people with overweight partners find certain chunky bits a turn off? I'm just thinking cuz I seriously have the worst, jelly fat legs. That cannot be sexy, ever! Or the chunky cellulite butt. Tuckshop lady arms that jiggle when waving. Double (or more) chins. The list goes on.

It's crazy cuz I actually weigh less now than when I was withy ex and yet feel worse about my body. I'm not sure why. I mean obviously being severely overweight is a health risk in itself but why don't I feel confident and love my body like I used to? This body has created 2 beautiful children and nourished them. Why can't I love the effect that has had on my body? If only exercising and dieting and weightloss were easy I wouldn't be asking these preposterous questions of my self. I'd just lose weight and quit bitching. If only it were that simple.

My kids love me regardless of my size. Though my 'nearly 7yo' tells me to call Jenny Craig everytime the ad comes on tv. I know she just wants a healthy mama. It won't happen overnight and it's going to be a huge long process.

So I'm left wondering can you possibly love someone for their personality but not necessarily be attracted to their body and therefore not be affectionate. Surely if you were seriously attracted to someone you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off the other person. Or so I think.

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