Friday 25 February 2011

What we're told and what is real

I've never been one to believe what people say about others. I like to make my own judgements based on getting to know someone myself. But it does make you think. What if there's some truth behind what I'm being told? People can change can't they? Maybe the details have been a little exaggerated to sound worse than they really are.

I like to start with a clean slate when getting to know someone but its hard when that slate has a slight tinge to it from where someone has already tried writing the Story for you and even though you've tried to erase what they wrote, the tinge is undeniably still there. It makes you wonder if this tinge Will affect how your Story is evidently written and how it ends.

For now though, I'll continue to trust my gut and make my own judgements of people. At least then I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt. It's the best thing i think.