Sunday 24 July 2011


It seems like one of "them" days at my house this afternoon. Kailee gets home from school in a very hormonal mood. Seems some of her friends are being mean to her at school and she's in a crying mood with lots of attitude. Life must seem so hard as a 6yo. If Its not the backchatting it's the attitude Whenever she's asked to do something. I dread the whole puberty and teenage years. I remember just How awful i was as a kid, i can only imagine what's in store for me. Xavier isn't much better He likes to get into anything no matter How many times He's told not to or given a smack. He likes to play rough (just like any normal boy) though it usually includes hitting his sister with anything hard like the television remote or his Plastic cricket bat. I'm amazed kailee doesn't have more bruises. It's no wonder I'm counting down the hours and minutes until they go to bed and i get some peace and quiet. It's just a shame all i do is clean or want to go straight to bed. Such is life.

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